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== Abstract data types ==
== Abstract data types ==
* Create an abstract data type <code>Stack</code> with following functions:
* Create an implementation of the abstract data type <code>Stack</code> with following functions:
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push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
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* Create an abstract data type <code>Queue</code> with following functions:
* Create an implementation of the abstract data type <code>Queue</code> with following functions:
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isEmpty :: Queue a -> Bool
isEmpty :: Queue a -> Bool

Revision as of 10:06, 24 September 2020

Abstract data types

  • Create an implementation of the abstract data type Stack with following functions:
push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
pop :: Stack a -> Stack a
top :: Stack a -> a
isEmpty :: Stack a ->Bool
  • Create an implementation of the abstract data type Queue with following functions:
isEmpty :: Queue a -> Bool
addQ :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a
remQ :: Queue q -> (a, Queue a)
module Queue(Queue, emptyQ, isEmptyQ, addQ, remQ) where
    data Queue a = Qu [a]

    emptyQ :: Queue a
    emptyQ = Qu []
    isEmptyQ :: Queue a -> Bool
    isEmptyQ (Qu q) = null q
    addQ :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a
    addQ x (Qu xs) = Qu (xs++[x])
    remQ :: Queue a -> (a,Queue a)
    remQ q@(Qu xs) | not (isEmptyQ q) = (head xs, Qu (tail xs))
                   | otherwise        = error "remQ"