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List of lists

Video logo.png

Consider following type representing picture:

type Pic = [String]

If you want to print this picture you can use:

pp :: Pic -> IO ()
pp x = putStr (concat (map (++"\n") x))

Picture example:

pic :: Pic
pic = [ "....#....",
*Main> pp pic

Create functions that:

  • Flips picture veriticaly and horizontally.
flipV :: Pic -> Pic
flipH :: Pic -> Pic
*Main> pp(flipV pic)
*Main> pp(flipH pic)

flipV :: Pic -> Pic
flipV = map reverse 

flipV' :: Pic -> Pic
flipV' xs = [reverse x|x<-xs]

flipH :: Pic -> Pic
flipH = reverse
Try it!
  • Place one picture above another.
above :: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
*Main> pp(above pic pic)
above :: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
above x y = x ++ y
Try it!
  • Place two pictures side by side (consider, that they have the same height).
sideBySide :: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
*Main> pp(sideBySide pic pic)
sideBySide :: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
sideBySide xs ys = map (\(x,y) -> x ++ y)(zip xs ys) 

sideBySide':: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
sideBySide' (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x ++ y) : sideBySide' xs ys
sideBySide' _ _ = []

sideBySide'' :: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
sideBySide'' = zipWith (++)
Try it!
  • Rotate picture to the left and to the right.
Video logo.png
rotateR :: Pic -> Pic
rotateL :: Pic -> Pic
*Main> pp(rotateR pic)       
*Main> pp(rotateL pic)
toRow :: String -> Pic
toRow xs = map (\x -> [x]) xs -- [[x]|x<-xs]

rotateR :: Pic -> Pic
rotateR [x] = toRow x
rotateR (x:xs) = (rotateR xs) `sideBySide` (toRow x)

rotateR' :: Pic -> Pic
rotateR' x = foldl1 sideBySide (reverse (map toRow x))

rotateL :: Pic -> Pic
rotateL [x] = reverse(toRow x)
rotateL (x:xs) = reverse(toRow x) `sideBySide` (rotateL xs)

rotateL' :: Pic -> Pic
rotateL' x = foldl1 sideBySide (map (reverse.toRow) x)
Try it!
  • Increase every point in the picture n times.
zoom :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
*Main> pp(zoom 2 pic)
zoom :: Int -> Pic -> Pic
zoom n xs = [concat(map (replicate n) x)|x<-concat (map (replicate n) xs)]
Try it!

Additional exercises

We will use following additional picture:

pic2 = [ "#########",
  • Create a function that performs the superimposition of two images.
superimpose :: Pic -> Pic -> Pic
*Main> pp(superimpose pic pic2)
  • Create a function that inverts "colors" in a given picture.
invertColors :: Pic -> Pic
*Main> pp(invertColors pic)
  • Create a function that for a given integer number n creates a chessboard with dimensions n x n.
chessBoard :: Int -> Pic
*Main> pp(chessBoard 5)
*Main> pp(chessBoard 10)
  • Define a function makePicture where the list arguments gives the positions of the black points (represented by sharp) and the two integer arguments give the width and height of the picture.
makePicture :: Int -> Int -> [(Int,Int)]-> Pic
*Main> pp(makePicture 7 5 [(1,3),(3,2)])