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(Created page with "* Vytvořte funkci <code>clickOnButton</code>, která dostane naše GUI a nějakou událost. Pokud je parametrem instance <code>MouseEvent</code> a pozice, na kterou jsme klik...") |
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− | == | + | == Doplňková cvičení == |
* Consider the following definition and the example of the m-ary tree. | * Consider the following definition and the example of the m-ary tree. |
Revision as of 13:39, 15 November 2023
Complex data structure
Consider following data structure representing some kind of GUI.
data Point = Point {column::Int,row::Int} deriving (Show)
data Position = Position {leftTopCorner :: Point, width :: Int, height :: Int}
data Component
= TextBox {name :: String, position :: Position, text :: String}
| Button {name :: String, position :: Position, text :: String}
| Container {name :: String, children :: [Component]}
As an example, we can use following data structure.
gui :: Component
gui =
"My App"
[ Container
[ Button "btn_new" (Position (Point 0 0) 100 20) "New",
Button "btn_open" (Position (Point 100 0) 100 20) "Open",
Button "btn_close" (Position (Point 200 0) 100 20) "Close"
Container "Body" [TextBox "textbox_1" (Position (Point 0 20) 300 500) "Some text goes here"],
Container "Footer" []
- Přidejte typ
do typove třídyShow
Výsledek pro naše data z předchozího příkladu by měl vypadat takto.
ghci> gui
Container - My App
Container - Menu
(0,0)[100,20] Button[btn_new]: New
(100,0)[100,20] Button[btn_open]: Open
(200,0)[100,20] Button[btn_close]: Close
Container - Body
(0,20)[300,500] TextBox[textbox_1]: Some text goes here
Container - Footer
instance Show Position where
show (Position (Point col row) width height) = "(" ++ show col ++ "," ++ show row ++ ")["++ show width++","++ show height++"]"
instance Show Component where
show :: Component -> String
show gui = showIndent "" gui where
showIndent ind (TextBox name position text) = ind ++ show position ++ " TextBox[" ++ name ++ "]: " ++ text ++"\n"
showIndent ind (Button name position text) = ind ++ show position ++ " Button[" ++ name ++ "]: " ++ text ++"\n"
showIndent ind (Container name children) = let
inner = concat[showIndent (ind++"\t") c |c<-children]
in ind ++ "Container - " ++ name ++ "\n" ++ inner
- Vytvořte funkci
, která vloží prvek do existujícího kontejneru z GUI. Parametry funkce budou:- prvním parametrem bude GUI, do kterého budeme vkládat nový prvek;
- druhým parametrem bude název kontejneru, do kterého vkládáme nový prvek, lze bezpečně předpokládat, že bude vždy existovat. Prvek bude v kontejneru umístěn jako poslední;
- posledním parametrem je vložený prvek.
insertInto :: Component -> String -> Component -> Component
ghci> insertInto gui "Footer" (TextBox "Done" (Position (Point 0 500) 300 10) "We are done!")
Container - My App
Container - Menu
(0,0)[100,20] Button[btn_new]: New
(100,0)[100,20] Button[btn_open]: Open
(200,0)[100,20] Button[btn_close]: Close
Container - Body
(0,20)[300,500] TextBox[textbox_1]: Some text goes here
Container - Footer
(0,500)[300,10] TextBox[Done]: We are done!
insertInto :: Component -> String -> Component -> Component
insertInto (Container cName children ) toName element
| cName == toName = Container cName (children++[element])
| otherwise = Container cName [insertInto c toName element |c<-children]
insertInto x toName element = x
- Rozšiřte definici tlačítka v našem GUI takto.
data Event = MouseEvent Point
| KeyEvent {keyPressed::Char} deriving (Show)
| Button {name :: String, position :: Position, text :: String, onClick :: Maybe (Event -> String)}
Naše onClick je funkce, která se spustí po kliknutí na tlačítko. Parametrem této funkce jsou data popisující událost, která se osluhu spustila.
[ Button "btn_new" (Position (Point 0 0) 100 20) "New" (Just (\event -> "Clicked on new button.")),
Button "btn_open" (Position (Point 100 0) 100 20) "Open" Nothing,
Button "btn_close" (Position (Point 200 0) 100 20) "Close" (Just (\event -> "Clicked on close button.")) ]
- Vytvořte funkci
, která dostane naše GUI a nějakou událost. Pokud je parametrem instanceMouseEvent
a pozice, na kterou jsme klikli, je uvnitř některého z tlačítek GUI, pak vyhodnotí odpovídající funkcionClick
a výsledkem bude získáný řetězec. Ve všech ostatních případech bude výsledkemNothing
clickOnButton :: Component -> Event -> Maybe String
ghci> clickOnButton gui (MouseEvent (Point 5 5))
Just "Clicked on new button."
ghci> clickOnButton gui (MouseEvent (Point 205 5))
Just "Clicked on close button."
ghci> clickOnButton gui (MouseEvent (Point 205 50))
isInside :: Point -> Position -> Bool
isInside (Point pCol pRow) (Position (Point cornerCol cornerRow) width height) =
cornerCol <= pCol && pCol <= cornerCol + width && cornerRow <= pRow && pRow <= cornerRow + height
getFirstOrNothing :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
getFirstOrNothing [] = Nothing
getFirstOrNothing (Nothing:xs) = getFirstOrNothing xs
getFirstOrNothing (Just x: xs) = Just x
clickOnButton :: Component -> Event -> Maybe String
clickOnButton (Button {position = pos, onClick = (Just func)}) (MouseEvent point) | isInside point pos = Just (func (MouseEvent point))
clickOnButton (Container {children=inner}) event = getFirstOrNothing [clickOnButton c event |c<-inner]
clickOnButton _ _ = Nothing
Doplňková cvičení
- Consider the following definition and the example of the m-ary tree.
data MTree a = MTree a [MTree a]
testTree1 :: MTree Int
testTree1 = MTree 1 [(MTree 2 [(MTree 3 []),(MTree 4 [(MTree 5 []),(MTree 6 [])]), (MTree 7 []),(MTree 8 [])]), (MTree 9 [])]
- Create a function that sums all values stored in the m-ary tree.
msum :: MTree Int -> Int
- Create a function that extracts all values from the m-ary tree into a list.
mToList :: MTree a -> [a]
- Create a function that counts all leaves in the m-ary tree.
mLeafCount :: MTree a -> Int
- Create a function that finds a maximum value stored in the m-ary tree.
mMaxTree :: Ord a => MTree a -> a
- Create a function that checks whether a given element is stored in the m-ary tree.
mContains :: Eq a => MTree a -> a -> Bool
- Create a function that returns a number of elements greater than a given value.
mGreaterThan :: Ord a => MTree a -> a -> Int