Translations:Functional programming/18/en

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Installation guide Windows (all users)

This guide assumes, that there is on user, that prepares the development environment for other user.

  1. Download and install Haskell platform from
  2. * For stack, use a path accessible to all user (for example c:\stack). Installer adds to user variable PATH a path to executable stack.exe, and adds a new user variable STACK_ROOT. Move these values from user variables to system variables.
  3. Download and install VS Code Use the system installer.
  4. Open cmd and type:
    stack install intero phoityne-vscode haskell-dap --system-ghc
    • It will generate some executable files to default location: c:\Users\ -- YOUR NAME -- \AppData\Roaming\local\bin\ move them to the directory with stack.exe.
  5. Open file c:\sr\config.yaml and add lines:
    system-ghc : true
    skip-msys : true

    These settings save time and space on disk (it will not install GHC while installing packages and MSYS2 for every user).

  6. Open VS Code and install extensions:
    • Haskero
    • Haskell GHCi Debug Adapter Phoityne