FP Homework 2

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Basic notes

In all exercises you are required to write something to standard output. You can use the same strategy as in Laboratory 7.

Lets define a type for the result:

type Result = [String]

Now, if you want to print this result nicely on the screen, you can use:

pp :: Result -> IO ()
pp x = putStr (concat (map (++"\n") x))

1 - Painting

Lets define a new data types representing a circle and a rectangle.

data Point = Point Int Int
data Shape = Circle Point Int
           | Rectangle {topLeft:: Point, bottomRight::Point}

Using these types write a function view that creates a view of defined shapes. The first parameter is a tuple (columns, rows) defining the size of the resulting view. Left top corner has a coordinate (0,0). Second argument is a list of shapes (either circles or rectangles).

view :: (Int,Int) -> [Shape] -> Result

The result may differ based on rounding. In following example '.' was used for the free spot, '#' for the filled spot.

Prelude>pp(view (40,15) [Circle (Point 8 4) 5, Box {topLeft = (Point 15 5), bottomRight = (Point 35 12) }, Circle (Point 30 12) 8] )

2 - Drawing

Lets define a new data types representing a point and a line.

data Point = Point Int Int
data Line = Line Point Point

Using these types write a function drawLines that creates a view of defined lines. The first parameter is a tuple (columns, rows) defining the size of the resulting view. Left top corner has a coordinate (0,0). Second argument is a list of lines.

drawLines :: (Int,Int) -> [Line] -> Result

The result may differ based on rounding. In following example '.' was used for the free spot, '#' for the filled spot.

Prelude>pp(drawLines (31,15) [Line (Point x y) (Point 15 7)|(x,y)<-concat [[(x,y)|y<-[0,7,14]]|x<-[0,15,30]]])

3 - Filling

Lets define a picture that is composed from '.' which is used for a free spot and '#' is used for the filled spot.

sampleInput = 

Write a function fill that takes a defined picture and a starting position (tuple (column, row)) and it fills the continuous area of free cells starting from the defined starting position with character '*'.

fill :: Result -> (Int,Int) -> Result
Prelude> pp(fill sampleInput (0,0))

4 - Poker

Lets define a data types representing a deck of Poker cards. In Poker, a player gets 5 cards into the hand. Dealt hands are classified into several categories. These categories are important to define who is the winner. Rules for each category cen be found Here

data Suit = Hearts | Clubs | Diamonds | Spades deriving (Eq, Show)
data Rank = Numeric Int | Jack | Queen | King | Ace deriving (Eq, Show)
data Card = Card Rank Suit deriving (Eq, Show)
type Hand = [Card]
data Category = RoyalFlush
              | StraightFlush
              | Four
              | FullHouse
              | Flush
              | Straight
              | Three
              | TwoPair
              | Pair
              | HighCard deriving (Eq, Show)

https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poker Write a function decide that takes two set of card of two players (two instances of data type Hand, each will have exactly 5 cards) and a starting position (tuple (column, row)) and it fills the continuous area of free cells starting from the defined starting position with character '*'.

fill :: Result -> (Int,Int) -> Result
Prelude> pp(fill sampleInput (0,0))