PFP Laboratory 3

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High-order functions

  • Create a function that takes a string and converts all characters to upper case letters.
allToUpper :: String -> String
*Main> allToUpper "aAbc"
import Data.Char

allToUpper :: String -> String
allToUpper xs = [toUpper x |x<-xs]                     

allToUpper' :: String -> String
allToUpper' xs = map toUpper xs
Try it!
  • Implement the quicksort algorithm. As a pivot use always the first element in the list. For dividing the list, use the function filter.
Video logo.png
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
*Main> filter (<5) [1..10]
*Main> quicksort [1,5,3,7,9,5,2,1]
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = let lp = filter (< x) xs
                       rp = filter (>= x) xs
                   in quicksort lp ++ [x] ++ quicksort rp
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List comprehension

Using the list comprehension implement following functions:

  • Create a function that generates a list of all odd numbers in given interval.
oddList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
*Main> oddList 1 10   
oddList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
oddList a b = [ x |x<-[a..b], odd x]
Try it!
  • Create a function that removes all upper case letters from a string.
removeAllUpper :: String -> String
*Main> removeAllUpper "ABCabcABC"
import Data.Char

removeAllUpper :: String -> String
removeAllUpper xs = [ x |x<-xs, not (isUpper x)]
Try it!
  • Create functions that computes union and intersection of two sets.
union :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersection :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
*Main> union [1..5] [3..10]
*Main> intersection [1..5] [3..10]
union :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
union xs ys = xs ++ [y| y<-ys, not (elem y xs)]

intersection ::  Eq a =>  [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersection xs ys = [y| y<-ys, elem y xs]
Try it!

More complex functions

  • Create a function that count the number of occurrences of all characters from a given string.
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countThem :: String -> [(Char, Int)]
*Main>countThem "hello hello hello"
[('h',3),('e',3),('l',6),('o',3),(' ',2)]
unique :: String -> String
unique n = reverse(tmp n "") where
  tmp [] store = store
  tmp (x:xs) store | x `elem` store = tmp xs store
                   | otherwise = tmp xs (x:store)

unique' :: String -> String                   
unique' [] = []
unique' (x:xs) = x: unique' (filter (/=x)xs)

countThem :: String -> [(Char, Int)]
countThem xs = let u = unique xs
               in [(x, length (filter (==x) xs)) |x<-u]
Try it!
  • Create a function that generates all combinations of given length from the characters from given string. You can assume, that all character are unique and the given length is not bigger then the length of this string.
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combinations :: Int -> String -> [String]
*Main> combinations 3 "abcdef"
combinations :: Int -> String -> [String]
combinations 1 xs = [[x]| x<-xs]
combinations n (x:xs) | n == length (x:xs) = [(x:xs)]
                      |otherwise = [[x] ++ y |y<-combinations (n-1) xs ] 
                                    ++ (combinations n xs)
Try it!