FP Homework 1 extension

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1 - Chess position

Implement the function move which has 2 arguments of the type Result (position A and position B). Function result type is Bool, It is True if it is possible with one chess piece move get from position A to B, false otherwise.

move :: Result-> Result -> Bool

2 - Ticktacktoe

Implement the function winner which has 2 arguments, the same description of a play-filed as before. It will return Bool indicating that one of the players have more then 4 pieces in a row, column or diagonally.

winner:: (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool

3 - Maze

Implement the function length which has 2 arguments. First argument is a list of strings representing a maze row by row from top to bottom ('*' - wall, ' ' - empty square, 's' - starting position). At the beginning we are at position 's'. Second argument is a position in the maze. Find the length of a shortest path from start to this position.

length :: Result -> (Int,Int) -> Int 

sampleInput = ["*********",
               "*s*   * *",
               "* * * * *",
               "* * * * *",
               "*   *   *",
               "******* *",
               "        *",

4 - Minesweeper

Implement the function makeMove which has 2 argument. First is Result. It will be a result from the function minesweeper. Second argument will be pair (row,column), it will represent a position where player 'clicked'. The result will be a playground where just a part of the play-ground will be visible. The character . detonates a hidden field (initially all fields are hidden). If player clicked in a mine, you can output the input. If he clicked on a number different then zero, just the number will be visible. If it is a zero, then the whole consecutive area of zeroes along with bordering numbers will be visible.

minesweeper :: Result -> Result
sampleInput = ["1110000",
Prelude>pp(makeMove sampleInput (0,7))

5 - Ships

Implement the function checkOverlap which has 2 arguments. First is a pair (columns, rows) which defines size of the playground. Second argument is a list of list containing coordinates of squares taken by ships. Each of the inner lists represents one ship. Ship is defined as a set of coordinates (column, row), where column is given using small English alphabet. You can consider that the size of play-field will be smaller then 25x25. Output Bool indicating that the game description is valid. It is valid when no ships overlap or touch each other.

checkOverlap:: -> (Int, Int) -> [[(Char, Int)]] -> Bool