FP installation guide

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Installation Guide

In our lectures, we will be using Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC). It is a part of Haskell Platform.

Best way is to use: GHCup

In fact, any text editor is fine to create source codes. In our laboratories, we will be creating only a relatively small functions. By default, we will be using Visual Studio Code with some plugins for syntax highlighting and code completion.

Recomendated is plugin: Haskell [1]

Outdated way to install Haskell

Installation guide Windows

Follow (mostly) guidelines from https://www.haskell.org/platform/windows.html

  1. Download and install Chocolatey https://chocolatey.org/install
  2. At an elevated command prompt, run:
    choco install ghc --version 8.10.5

    This will install GHC along with some utilities like Cabal. The version 8.10.5 is important. In the original guide, there is a command choco install haskell-dev. It will install newer version which is not supported by the VS Code Haskell plugin (valid 20.8.2021).

  3. Restart may be required to continue.
  4. Open VS Code and install the extension Haskell. It should also install Haskell Language Server

Installation guide Ubuntu 20.04

Follow (mostly) guidelines from https://www.haskell.org/downloads/linux/

  1. Install GHC sudo apt install haskell-platform
  2. Open VS Code and install the extension Haskell. It should also install Haskell Language Server

Haskero with Haskell GHCi debugger

Other variant of working environment. It is configured using Stack.

For VS Code, we will be using two extensions:

Installation guide Windows (single user)

  1. Download and install Haskell platform from https://www.haskell.org/platform/windows.html
    • Use default paths. Installer adds to system variable PATH a path to executable stack.exe.
  2. Download and install VS Code https://code.visualstudio.com/#alt-downloads
  3. Open cmd and type:
    stack install intero phoityne-vscode haskell-dap --system-ghc
  4. Open file c:\sr\config.yaml and add a line
    system-ghc : true
    • Attribute --system-ghc is optional and redundant to previous step (it is the same setting, but global).
  5. Open VS Code and install extensions:
    • Haskero
    • Haskell GHCi Debug Adapter Phoityne

Installation guide Windows (all users)

This guide assumes, that there is on user, that prepares the development environment for other user.

  1. Download and install Haskell platform from https://www.haskell.org/platform/windows.html
  2. * For stack, use a path accessible to all user (for example c:\stack). Installer adds to user variable PATH a path to executable stack.exe, and adds a new user variable STACK_ROOT. Move these values from user variables to system variables.
  3. Download and install VS Code https://code.visualstudio.com/#alt-downloads. Use the system installer.
  4. Open cmd and type:
    stack install intero phoityne-vscode haskell-dap --system-ghc
    • It will generate some executable files to default location: c:\Users\ -- YOUR NAME -- \AppData\Roaming\local\bin\ move them to the directory with stack.exe.
  5. Open file c:\sr\config.yaml and add lines:
    system-ghc : true
    skip-msys : true

    These settings save time and space on disk (it will not install GHC while installing packages and MSYS2 for every user).

  6. Open VS Code and install extensions:
    • Haskero
    • Haskell GHCi Debug Adapter Phoityne

Installation guide Ubuntu (single users)

  1. Perform following commands:
    sudo apt-get install haskell-platform
    sudo apt-get install haskell-stack
    sudo snap install code --classic
    • Optional step - Right now (August, 2019) Haskell Platform from Ubuntu repositories contains GHC 8.4.4. Stack current default resolver is lts-14.00. It requires GHC version 8.6.5. It will automatically download this version. To save disk space, you can generate stack global config (for example stack path) and change the global resolver in file ~/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml to lts-12.15. Then open file ~/.stack/config.yaml and add lines:
    system-ghc : true
    skip-ghc-check: true
  2. Continue with installation of required packages:
    stack install intero phoityne-vscode haskell-dap
  3. Open VS Code and install extensions:
    • Haskero
    • Haskell GHCi Debug Adapter Phoityne

Installation guide Ubuntu (all users)

  1. Perform following commands:
    sudo apt-get install haskell-platform
    sudo apt-get install haskell-stack
    sudo snap install code --classic
  2. Create a directory that will be a stack root, it should be readable by all users (for example /opt/stack).
  3. Create a file /etc/profile.d/stack.sh with following line:export STACK_ROOT=your stack root directory
  4. Create a file /etc/stack/config.yaml with following lines:
    skip-ghc-check: true
    system-ghc: true
    allow-different-user: true
  5. Generate stack global config (for example stack path) and change the global resolver in file $STACK_ROOT/global-project/stack.yaml to
    • lts-12.15 for Ubuntu 19.04 (ghc 8.4.4)
    • lts-8.0 for Ubuntu 18.04 (ghc 8.0.2)
  6. Continue with installation of required packages:
    stack install intero phoityne-vscode haskell-dap
  7. It will produce some executable files to ~/.local/bin copy them to: /usr/local/bin (or other search when executing location).
  8. Open VS Code and install extensions:
    • Haskero
    • Haskell GHCi Debug Adapter Phoityne
    code --install-extension phoityne.phoityne-vscode 
    code --install-extension Vans.haskero