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* Lecture 1: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=1 Beginning] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=36 Page 34] (2 hours, PORUA1)
* Weak 1: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=1 Beginning] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=36 Page 34] (2 hours, PORUA1)
* Lecture 2: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=35 Page 35] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=44 Page 42] (2 hours, PORUA1)
* Weak 2: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=35 Page 35] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=44 Page 42] (2 hours, PORUA1)
* Lecture 3: no lecture
* Weak 3: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=45 Page 43] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=57 Page 55] (2 hour, PORUA1)
* Lecture 4: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=45 Page 43] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=57 Page 55] (2 hour, PORUA1)
* Weak 4: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=58 Page 56] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=65 Page 63] (1 hour, PORUA1)
* Lecture 5: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=58 Page 56] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=65 Page 63] (1 hour, PORUA1)
* Weak 5: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=66 Page 64] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=72 Page 70] (1 hour, PORUA1)
* Lecture 6: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=66 Page 64] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=72 Page 70] (1 hour, PORUA1)
* Weak 6: Summary before Test 1 (POREC1)
* Lecture 7: Summary before Test 1 (POREC1)
* Weak 7: No lecture
* Lecture 8: no lecture
* Weak 8: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=73 Page 71] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=82 Page 80] (1 hour, PORUA1) + Solutions for Test 1
* Lecture 9: [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=73 Page 71] - [http://linedu.vsb.cz/~beh01/wiki_data/FP_basics.pdf#page=82 Page 80] (1 hour, PORUA1) + Solutions for Test 1
* Weak 9: Solutions for Homework 1 (POREC1)
* Lecture 10: Solutions for Homework 1 (POREC1)
* Weak 10: Advanced topics (2 hours, POREC1)
* Lecture 11: Summary before Test 2 (POREC1)
* Weak 11: Advanced topics (2 hours, POREC1)
* Lecture 12: Advanced topics (2 hours, POREC1)
* Weak 12: No lecture
* Lecture 13: Advanced topics (2 hours, POREC1)
* Lecture 14: Solutions for Homework 2 + Test 2 (POREC1)

Revision as of 08:53, 14 September 2022

Basic introduction

The course introduces the functional style of programming. It covers basic properties of the functional programming like: the side effect-free programming, functions as first-class values, high-order functions, recursion, pattern matching, or function closures. Also, course introduces selected data structures like a list and a tree and a functional style of working with these structures. As a programming language, Haskell will be used. It is a pure functional, statically typed, lazy evaluated language.

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

The basic outcome of this course will be the ability to write simple algorithms using a functional style of programming. More precisely, students will understand recursion and recursive data structures, they will be able to use high-order functions, and they will be able to define functions using the pattern matching. They will be able to use functional encapsulation mechanisms such as closures and modular interfaces and correctly reason about variables and lexical scope in programs. On practical level, they will be able to write these basic algorithms in programming language Haskell. Moreover, they will be able to recognize functional style of programming, they will understand advantages and disadvantages of this style of programming and they will be able to compare this style of programming with other approaches like imperative or object-oriented programming.

Recommended literature

  • Lipovaca M.:Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner's Guide (1st ed.). No Starch Press, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011 - for free at: http://learnyouahaskell.com/
  • Thompson S.: The Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming (3nd ed.). Addison-Wesley Professional, October 2, 2011, ISBN-10: 0201882957.

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester

During the exercises, students will be programming assigned tasks. The results of these tasks will be the crucial part of the final evaluation. Additionally, two smaller projects will be given.


In our lectures, we will be using Haskell Platform with Visual Studio Code. For VS Code, we will be using an extension:

More information about various options for work environments can be found: Installation Guide


Presentations used in our lectures:

Úvod do FPR Introduction to FPR

Základy funkcionálního programování

Basics of functional Programming

Introduction to advanced topics of functional programming


  • Weak 1: Beginning - Page 34 (2 hours, PORUA1)
  • Weak 2: Page 35 - Page 42 (2 hours, PORUA1)
  • Weak 3: Page 43 - Page 55 (2 hour, PORUA1)
  • Weak 4: Page 56 - Page 63 (1 hour, PORUA1)
  • Weak 5: Page 64 - Page 70 (1 hour, PORUA1)
  • Weak 6: Summary before Test 1 (POREC1)
  • Weak 7: No lecture
  • Weak 8: Page 71 - Page 80 (1 hour, PORUA1) + Solutions for Test 1
  • Weak 9: Solutions for Homework 1 (POREC1)
  • Weak 10: Advanced topics (2 hours, POREC1)
  • Weak 11: Advanced topics (2 hours, POREC1)
  • Weak 12: No lecture


Cheat sheet containing basic functions in PDF


Combine study

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tutorial 3

Tutorial 4

Tutorial 5

Tutorial 6

  • Second homework will be evaluated (25 points).
  • Second programming exercise (20 points)