FP Laboratory 2

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Revision as of 12:07, 12 September 2019 by Beh01 (talk | contribs)
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  1. Using the GHCi command :info, learn the type of the following functions (and operators): +, sqrt, succ, max
  2. Using the command :set +t it is possible to get the information about the type of the evaluated expressions. With this setting on evaluate expressions:
    • 5 + 8 No comments
    • 3 * 5 + 8 No comments
  • 2 + 4 No comments
  • sqrt 16 No comments
  • succ 6 No comments
  • succ 7 No comments
  • pred 9 No comments
  • pred 8 No comments
  • sin (pi / 2) No comments
  • truncate pi No comments
  • round 3.5 No comments
  • round 3.4 No comments
  • floor 3.7 No comments
  • ceiling 3.3 No comments