FP Laboratory 9

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User defined data types and type classes

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Consider following representation of expressions

data Expr = Num Int
          | Add Expr Expr
          | Sub Expr Expr
          | Mul Expr Expr
          | Div Expr Expr
          | Var Char
	  deriving (Eq)
  • Create function eval that evaluates expresions.
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eval :: Expr -> Int
*Main> eval (Add (Num 1) (Num 2))
*Main> eval (Mul (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) (Num 3))
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval (Num x) = x
eval (Add l r) =  (eval l) + (eval r)
eval (Sub l r) =  (eval l) - (eval r)
eval (Mul l r) =  (eval l) * (eval r)
eval (Div l r) =  (eval l) `div` (eval r)
Try it!
  • Create function showExpr that shows expression as a String.
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showExpr :: Expr -> String
*Main> showExpr (Add (Num 1) (Num 2))
*Main> showExpr (Mul (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) (Num 3))
*Main> showExpr (Mul (Add (Num 1) (Mul (Num 2) (Var 'x'))) (Mul (Num 3) (Var 'x')))
*Main> showExpr (Mul (Num 2) (Mul (Var 'x') (Var 'x')))                            
showExpr :: Expr -> String
showExpr expr = showExpr' expr NoOp

data Operation = Hi | HiDiv | Lo | LoSub | NoOp deriving (Eq)

showExpr' :: Expr -> Operation -> String
showExpr' (Num x) _ = show x
showExpr' (Var x) _ =  [x]
showExpr' (Add l r) op = let
  x = showExpr' l Lo ++"+"++showExpr' r Lo
  in if op == Hi || op == HiDiv || op==LoSub 
     then "(" ++ x ++")"
     else x
showExpr' (Sub l r) op = let
  x = showExpr' l Lo ++"-"++showExpr' r LoSub
  in if op == Hi || op == HiDiv || op==LoSub 
     then "(" ++ x ++")"
     else x     
showExpr' (Mul l r) op = let
  x = showExpr' l Hi ++"*"++showExpr' r Hi
  in if op == HiDiv
     then "(" ++ x ++")"
     else x
showExpr' (Div l r) op = let
  x = showExpr' l Hi ++"/"++showExpr' r HiDiv
  in if op == HiDiv
     then "(" ++ x ++")"
     else x
Try it!
  • Extend class Show to be usable with our expressions.
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*Main> Add (Num 1) (Num 2)
*Main> Mul (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) (Num 3)
*Main> Mul (Add (Num 1) (Mul (Num 2) (Var 'x'))) (Mul (Num 3) (Var 'x'))
*Main> Mul (Num 2) (Mul (Var 'x') (Var 'x'))           
instance (Show Expr) where
  show = showExpr
Try it!
  • Create function derivation representing symbolic derivation of a given expression.
deriv :: Expr -> Char -> Expr
*Main> deriv (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) 'x'
*Main> deriv (Mul (Num 2) (Mul (Var 'x') (Var 'x'))) 'x'
*Main> deriv (Mul (Num 2) (Mul (Var 'x') (Var 'x'))) 'x'
deriv :: Expr-> Char -> Expr
deriv (Num _) _ = (Num 0)     
deriv (Var x) y | x==y = (Num 1)
                | otherwise = (Num 0)
deriv (Add l r) x = Add (deriv l x) (deriv r x)                
deriv (Sub l r) x = Sub (deriv l x) (deriv r x)
deriv (Mul l r) x = Add (Mul (deriv l x) r) (Mul l (deriv r x))
deriv (Div l r) x = 
    (Sub (Mul (deriv l x) r) (Mul l (deriv r x)))
    (Mul r r)
Try it!

Additional exercises

  • Define a function that counts the number of operators in an expression.
size :: Expr -> Int
*Main> size (Add (Num 1) (Num 2))
*Main> size (Mul (Add (Num 1) (Mul (Num 2) (Var 'x'))) (Mul (Num 3) (Var 'x')))
  • It is possible to extend the type Expr so that it contains conditional expressions. Consider the following representation of boolean expressions:
data BExpr = Val Bool
        | And BExpr BExpr
        | Not BExpr 
        | Equal Expr Expr
        | Greater Expr Expr
    deriving (Eq)
  • Define a function that evaluates boolean expressions.
bEval :: BExpr -> Bool
*Main> bEval (And (Equal (Num 4) (Num 5)) (Greater (Num 5) (Num 1))) 
*Main> bEval (And (Equal (Add (Num 1) (Num 4)) (Num 5)) (Greater (Num 5) (Num 1)))
  • Define a function that shows a boolean expression as a string. Use symbols "/\","!","=",">" for logical conjunction, negation, equality, and comparison respectively.
showBExpr :: BExpr -> String
*Main> showBExpr((And (Val True) (Not (Greater (Num 5) (Num 1)))))
*Main> showBExpr(And (Equal (Add (Num 1) (Num 4)) (Num 5)) (Greater (Num 5) (Num 1)))
  • Extend class Show to be usable with our boolean expressions.
*Main> (And (Val True) (Not (Greater (Num 5) (Num 1))))
*Main> And (Equal (Add (Num 1) (Num 4)) (Num 5)) (Greater (Num 5) (Num 1))
  • Extend the Expr type with the If-Then-Else statement as follows:
data Expr = Num Int
          | Add Expr Expr
          | Sub Expr Expr
          | Mul Expr Expr
          | Div Expr Expr
          | If BExpr Expr Expr
 deriving (Eq)
  • Modify function eval to evaluate If-Then-Else statements.
*Main> eval (If (Greater (Num 5)(Num 1)) (Num 5) (Num 6))     
*Main> eval (Mul (If (Greater (Add (Num 0) (Num 1))(Num 1)) (Num 5) (Num 6)) (Num 7))
  • Modify function showExpr to show If-Then-Else statements as a string.
*Main> showExpr (If (Greater (Num 5)(Num 1)) (Num 5) (Num 6)) 
"(If (5>1) then 5 else 6)"
*Main> showExpr (Mul (If (Greater (Add (Num 0) (Num 1))(Num 1)) (Num 5) (Num 6)) (Num 7))
"((If ((0+1)>1) then 5 else 6)*7)"